Learning Objectives: What Are They and How Do I Write Them?

y ModelTeaching | Aug 29, 2018 | Lesson & Curriculum Planning, Teaching Strategies | 1 comment Do you sometimes find yourself using the state standard as your learning objective because you are unsure of how to write one yourself? Or maybe you are just leaving them out all together? Find out what information you should […]

Why Does Writing Good Learning Objectives Matter?

POSTED ON MARCH 1, 2017 BY HAIYAN ZHOU As a former adjunct instructor, later a training coordinator, instructional designer, and now a teaching and learning consultant, I have worked with many faculty on course design and how to articulate learning objectives. My experience has shown me that you can never emphasize enough the importance of having good learning […]

Pursuing the Depths of Knowledge

Nancy Boyles Whether students are engaging in deep learning or just recalling facts, rigorous instruction should be part of the plan. Good teachers resist the idea of “teaching to the test.” But aligning literacy instruction with assessment isn’t teaching to the test if that assessment is a valid measure of our students’ performance. If the […]